Your Communication Culture Part 1

February 17, 2020

Types of Communication show notes:

Non-existent communication

  • You are always communication if you try or not
  • Those who do not actively manage their communication may as well be intentionally seeking to destroy their perception to the community.
  • RESULT: Stagnation and eventual decline in the growth of your church

Out of touch communication

  • These are churches that use marketing messaging and methodology that does not connect with those who the church should be reaching
  • Tends to be more inner focused than outward focused
  • Uses “Christian-ese” terminology to reach non-Christians
  • RESULT: A church transfer based congregation. Your assembly is comprised primarily of believers that chose to attend your church because they have attended a church like yours before.

Poorly invested (mismanaged) communication

  • Churches that invest into ineffective marketing methods
  • Many times these are churches that actually have sufficient or even abundant resources but has leadership with poor management skills and practices

    • Not conscious about how their resources are being invested
    • Spend valuable time, money, and energy trying to increase effectiveness without strategic though
  • RESULT: A constant feeling of “spinning your wheels” in your outreach and marketing efforts. Your church may have healthy attendance and gradual growth when you could be experiencing capacity attendance with explosive growth.

An inability to connect with the outside world ultimately results in the inability to connect the unreached with the gospel

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